Se ami due persone nello stesso momento, scegli la seconda, perche se amassi veramente la prima non ti saresti innamorato della seconda.
--Johnny Depp
--Johnny Depp
If you love two people at the same time, choose the second one, because if you really loved the first one you wouldn't have fallen for the second
--Jonny Depp
well, found it on facebook.. some how it true but to fall into this situation you have to know how to love. if you don know how to love u love neither one. true?
and i found the beer song xD so cuteeeeeeeeeeee
n it goes like this..
DOH, I want a pint of beer,
RAY, the guy who serves me beer,
ME, the one who drinks the beer.
FAH, a long way to the john.
SOH, I'll have another beer!
LAH, ger, lager, lager, beer,
TEA, no thanks I'll have a beer,
and that bring us back to DOH!
:) many thing may confuse you.. follow ur heart, if u feel like leave it aside right now just do it.. just throw it behind.. times will comes time will goes on.. n some time when u leave it it will unknock it automatically.. or time will lend u to a better way
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