this morning i got a very good mood. cause our staff from Taiwan finally here!!
so happy~~~
been long time waiting for it..
Yesterday went Redbox together with kar foong.. haha.. we make there as our playground x)
in the room only got both of us. well, it cause us more crazy.. n this room beside the toilet only so less ppl passed by actually XD
n that's three mics.. so each of us hold one n she said:还有一个给‘好兄弟’ ==
choi!!!!!!!!!!!! walao wei..
i shout out loud: if i saw anyone extra in the cctv singing with us i knock u!!
other than this, we went kimgary to have out lunch.. it was the 1st time we having lunch there but not rushing.. LOL..
but they all seen busy.. no fun LOL.. a bit tak biasa with it
Went OSIM to visit Connie, teman her bank in then go window shopping XD teman her try shoes.. heels!!!!! haha.. n she force me to drink the super duper bitter herbal tea from 恭和堂. omg...... suddenly feel like the kokfa tea taste so good after i try my cup of herbal tea..
if they don force me to drink i guess i can hold it on all the way until redbox there..
ermm... never mind..
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