omg.. everything come so fast... yes! is everything..
can't even handle..
exam.. half way a d some more.. wat the.....
competition.. -exam weeks -holidays than come back 2 more weeks =competition..
ughhhh.. the canteen day same day AGAIN!!!! 3rd year a d le..
wat a school man.. wan us to win but do so many thingy to kacau us.
everything just too fast..
don kacau me again.. if not i jump down from summit!!!
haha.. yesterday we make a jok.. jia yi n i
she say imagine today competition..
i say i will jump down from summit..
U jump I jump!
We jump!!
then eunice take picture,
shau jin got the news from the newspeper..
sorry cause my brain kena BOOM
too many studying n cheer no more memory for others a d..
so don force me..!!
just stay..
don move! stay!
ps:feel so old when i help u guys (vulcanion) writing the IC...
94, 95, 96 LOL
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